Many men on choose to display their photo in a way that obscures rather than displays. Sometimes it's because they want to veil their identity. Sometimes it's because Mother Nature was having a bitchy kind of day when they were born and she withheld their quota of hunkiness. Sometimes it's just because a clear photo of their face would draw interest away from far more important body parts. I mean, who wants to see what a guy looks like when you can just have another interchangable ass picture?
But even the ass can be portrayed with more elan than a simple depiction that says, "Here is my ass. Make of it what you will." I noticed this picture recently on someone's profile (reproduced here without a skerrick of permission), and I really do appreciate the effort he put into doing something a little more creative than usual...
Ah, the classic bare-butt-in-the-moonlight shot so beloved of Hollywood when they want to add a dash of softcore spice to an otherwise plain scene. In soft focus black and white like this, it could almost be some "romantic" poster on a teenage girl's bedroom wall.
And it does the job: we know this guy has an ass, but we have absolutely no idea what he looks like, the colour of his skin or even if he ever smiles. I guess for a certain subset of GMM users the fact that he has an ass is all they really want to know.
Of course I'm hardly in a position to criticise this picture - it would take a hell of a lot more artful chiaoscuro than that to make my ass look presentable.
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