Monday, April 28, 2008

I do wonder why this happens

Every once in a while I come across a blog written by a gay man whose situation seems to mirror my own. Never precisely, of course, but close enough for me to empathize with his issues. There’s a handful of them now that I read regularly. Unfortunately, however, one of them has been slowly but steadily losing its appeal.

The problem is that the blogger in question seems to be getting gayer by the day. I don’t mean that he’s getting a lot of man on man action. I mean that it’s become almost literally impossible to tell if he’s really a gay man or just a straight guy doing an offensively over the top caricature of a gay man. He’s evolving into a walking amalgam of every poof joke ever to flounce its way across the stage of a footy club end of year revue.

He’s become the sort of guy who I imagine flaps his hands a lot when he speaks. You know the type: “Darling (flap), I just (flap) got home from seeing the new Almodovar film and I was soooo (flap) bored I just thought I’d die (flap, roll eyes for effect, check frosted tips in mirror).

Picture a younger Jeannie Little with testicles and you’re pretty much there.

It’s a shame, because a few months ago he had interesting things to say, moments of serious reflection on his life and ideas that demonstrated a lively intelligence. And now it’s all “lovely” and “fabulous” and “soooo cute”, as trite and shallow as a soap starlet’s first pop song.

Why has this happened? I suppose that either he’s coming out of his shell and becoming the flappy, shrieky queen he was always meant to be, or he’s under the impression that to be a proper gay man he has to act like a cross between Samantha Jones and a terminally insecure 14 year old girl. The first option is tragic; the second option is worse.

I’ll probably still keep reading his blog… just to see if the flapping girly-man persona ever subsides and allows the real man to show himself again.

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