Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Pretty is as pretty does.

Early this evening I got a flirtatious message on gaydar from a very attractive man:

We chatted for a bit, and I got to see that this very attractive man has a very hot body:

I asked why a very attractive man with a very hot body was fluttering his eyelashes at someone sixteen years older than him and of rather more marginal appeal. He replied that it was his idea of community service, which made me laugh.

We swapped phone numbers and he offered to give me a call once he got back from the gym. And either he has the longest workout routine in the history of physical effort, or the gym he’s returning from is in Reykjavik. It’s been over three hours.

People are odd creatures. Maybe he enjoys the electronic flirting rather than the follow through. Or maybe he was messaging half a dozen other guys at the same time and in the end chose one of them. Or, most likely, maybe he bumped into friends while at the gym and went out for waffles.

I hope they were nice waffles.