Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tha meny benifits ov freinds

The quality of taglines on GMM has been going up, or going down, depending on your perspective. The only amusing one I've been able to find lately is this from Moose268:

Looking for freinds with benifits

An ability to spell would be particularly beneficial. You never know when it might come in handy.


Anonymous said...

You never know. I'd say finding someone who doesn't care much about spelling might be the best option for him. =)

GTR said...

Hell no! If he were partnered with someone holding a similarly cavalier attitude to spelling, it would create a horrible feedback loop of dyslexia, and they'd quickly sink into inarticulate grunts and hand signals.

If we don't protect the Queen's English, soon there will be no English for queens at all!

Anonymous said...

I strongly disagree. Being reduced to inarticulate grunts and hand signals is usually a symptom of being boned hard, not dyslexia. Besides, don't you think there should be something to distinguish distinguished queens from all the rest? People need 'them' as much as 'us'