Tuesday, March 25, 2008

When it's rainin' men, it pours... Part I

Well, that was an unusual Easter.

After months of man drought, I found myself going on two dates within 24 hours. And in both cases, it was with an interesting, good-looking and very masculine guy who'd approached me online.

I had dinner with Bachelor Number One on Sunday night. He lives right on the outskirts of the city, almost an hour's drive from my place. I'd accepted his invitation without a lot of interest, since the single photo on his online profile showed an odd, slightly feral man in dorky sunglasses. But I figured that it's always interesting to meet new people, and if he turned out to be a complete creep I hadn't really lost anything other than a few dollars in petrol.

I managed to find his place after a few wrong turns and knocked on the door. The man who opened the door was not an odd, slightly feral creep. The man who opened the door was a big strapping lunk with a ready smile and an oddball sense of humour. Well, I thought to myself, this changes everything. Damn it.

I don't deal well with change. It unsettles me.

So we had drinks, and dinner, and talked, and the sexual tension got wound tighter and tighter until it almost seemed to be thrumming in the air between us. He turned out to be a nervous talker, and eventually, as we sat on his couch late at night with him chattering away and me smiling and nodding, I reached over and stroked the back of his neck, partly because I really wanted to run my fingers across his skin, and partly to shut him up before he did himself an injury.

So we stroked, and then we kissed, and then we fondled, and then we moved to the bedroom and got naked. It was a little while after that that the stress of the evening caught up with me. I'd intended to spend a pleasant couple of hours talking to someone over dinner... and here I was with his tongue jammed in my ass while I sucked his cock. When we reached a bit of a natural hiatus, an hour or two after we'd started, I felt physically and emotionally wrung out, so I told him I had to head home, and I got dressed and let him walk me out to my car.

And thus now, by the cold light of day, I have to decide where to go from here. On the downside he's a smoker (which I find gross), he's a lousy kisser, he talks and drinks too much and I don't relish the idea of having to drive for two hours every time I want to see him. On the upside, though, he's sweet and kind, he's got a very sexy physical presence in bed, and, most importantly, he seems very interested in me. I almost wish that he had been the creepy feral, so that I wouldn't have to confront these issues.

As for Bachelor Number Two... well, that story can wait until tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

So which online site are you finding these bachelors on? 'Cause I think I need to get on to it!

GTR said...

It was just gaydar. Oddly enough no one has so much as looked at my profile since then. Maybe it was a full moon or something.

Anonymous said...

Well, given your later posts about BN2 it looks like the moon was smiling on you.