Friday, January 27, 2012

A big fat fish in a small gay pond

It's a little odd that although I've known the Human Dynamo for more than a year now - attending his parties, giving and receiving personal advice and support, going on holiday together - I've never met his ex, despite the fact that they're both still prominent in each others' lives. Neither has KCG, for that matter. There's now even a running gag between us that his ex is a figment of his imagination, created to make him less lonely during the many years of their so-called "relationship". There is, after all, nothing other than his anecdotes to prove that this man exists.

HD and his ex were together for eight years (which is the equivalent of about four and a half centuries in gay relationship years). From what little I know about their eventual parting of ways, it was somewhat mutual but more driven by the ex. And although HD swears that there was nothing going on prior to the breakup, it seems a little odd that within two months his ex was living with a piece of fluff half his age.

In a cosmic irony, the piece of fluff recently dumped the ex just as HD took up with his new boyfriend. The ex is thus gone from being a partnered man on good terms with his single ex to being a single man on good terms with his partnered ex. The shoe is, as they say, on the other foot.

The reason why I am mentioning this now is because OKCupid, in its infinite algorythmic wisdom, has decided that HD's ex and I are a great match, and told us both so with the eagerness of a meddling aunt matchmaking as if her life depended on it.

Beyond the fact that it made this match while HD was showing his ex how to use OKCupid - and so he knows all about it - it's also shown me some flaws in OKCupid's idea of matching. HD's ex is a militant atheist, a strict vegetarian, and a Greens voter... three things I am decidedly not. I mean, kudos to OKCupid for trying to keep my hopes up in a small, shallow pool of possible men, but that's just ridiculous.

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