Monday, January 7, 2008

The many moods of one man's ass

After pretty much ignoring it for several months, I recently decided to give GMM another shot. I took a flattering new picture of myself (looking very bedroom eyes-y, if I do say so myself), wrote a snappy new profile (not too long, peppered with intriguing details, not asking for too much or too little), and posted it all up on the site.

Within a few hours it'd been opened by dozens of people, mainly falling into two catagories - dirty old men and Asian students. I guess they're the ones who have their computers on all day, although possibly for different reasons.

Within a few days I'd been winked by half a dozen guys, mainly falling into two catagories - weirdos and sluts. In both cases, I got the impression that they wanted me not because I was witty or charming or attractive, but because I had a pulse. The weirdos were all very off-putting because of the painful stink of desperation hanging over them like the haze of grease over a KFC deep fryer. The sluts were more presentable - even kinda hot, in one case - but all of them bluntly stated that they were solely interested in anonymous, meaningless screwing... and I just don't operate on that level. Most of them got the "thanks but no thanks" reply, and the rest just got ignored.

Only one of the guys who winked me is worth noting in more detail, but sadly not for a good reason. He has ten, repeat ten pictures of his ass on his profile. It's certainly a nice enough ass, as asses go, but ten pictures? Does it really have that many moods that it takes ten pictures to capture them all?

"Here's my ass being happy, and here's it looking sultry, and here it is being just a little bit coy. And here's one of it ruminating on the state of the stock market as the aftershocks of the sub-prime mortgage collapse in the US work their way through the global economy..."

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